What is “Deeder”?

Deeder was the name we called Julia while she was a fetus.

Where did the name Deeder come from?

Julia's uncle Nick started calling the fetus "deeder," which was a word he and his friends used to refer to something small. Don't ask me; I don't precisely understand it myself. But the name stuck.

Why can’t I ever see Julia on the DeederCam?

Partly because she's very mobile, so it's hard to keep her in one place to be viewed by the camera. We currently have the DeederCam in her room, so you might see her in her crib or playing by her bookshelf. But the camera we have requires a lot of light, so it's difficult to see anything while she's sleeping, which is unfortunately most of her on-camera time. We are investigating other options to increase Julia's availability on the DeederCam, aside from keeping her pinned up in her crib all day.

Faithful reader Ann Curry writes:My Beta Test Page on the new DeederCam looks like pictures from a stem cell research line, very faint gray patterns, blotched together. Is this normal?”

Sadly, yes. We are working to solve the problem in hopes of replacing the stem cell photos with pictures of Julia, but for now this is what we seem to have. That’s why it’s a beta test — still a few bugs in the system.

Why do you ask people to log in?

Registering at WeissCurry.com enables you to read and post messages on our message board

Do I have to register and log in?

Currently you aren't required to, unless you want to use the message board. You can still see the pictures, read the journal, and access most other features without being logged in. But we may make it mandatory in the future.

Why would you do that?

It would allow us to add more personal features, like links to e-mail us. We're trying hard to protect our WeissCurry.com e-mail addresses from spam, and having your e-mail address available on the web is a good way to get on unwanted mailing lists. And since some members have asked about getting in touch with other members, we could publish a member directory of any interested members without having that personal information generally available on the web.

But it's such a pain to log in every time.

That wasn't a question. But we've added a cookie feature so that after you've logged in once, WeissCurry.com will remember you when you return to our home page from the same computer. So it really won't be much trouble.

Could you tell me where I can find a leek and could you also tell me what one is?

A leek is a member of the onion family, looking something like a giant scallion, with a white root and dark green leaves. You can find leeks in the produce aisle.

I have a question that’s not answered here. What do I do?

E-mail it to us!