Tuesday, August 2

Have I mentioned that her sneezes are really adorable?

Monday, August 7

Julia just returned from her first vacation a week at Block Island. She took her longest car trip to date, went to the movies for the first time (to see Shaft she slept through it and recommends you do too), had her first experience at the beach, and conducted her first opera .

Saturday, August 12

Julia has been smiling socially with increasing frequency the last two days. Many of you have already seen her little sleep grins , but she is now smiling in response to other people. Its very gratifying when she offers you her bright eyes and toothless grin!

Sunday, August 13

Today, Julia rolled from front to back for the first time! We had placed her on her stomach on the gymini that her cousin Cheri gave her so she could practice crawling skills apparently babies are not crawling as early now that they are put on their backs to sleep. Kelley turned her back, and when she looked back at Julia, Julia was lying face up! We had missed her first roll, but fortunately the DeederCam captured it . We placed her on her stomach again and she repeated the feat.

Thursday, August 24

Julia is making more social sounds now. At first, most of her sounds were guttural, scratchy noises, but increasingly now she coos and makes almost pre-words. Today, she laughed repeatedly while her Uncle Nick was playing with her. We caught the last laugh on video.

Wednesday, August 30

Julia weighs 10 pounds, 10 ounces today. People continuously point out how alert she is for her age. She is also very strong. She has been able to hold her head up for quite a while, although she is apt to let it loll over without warning. Also for some time she has been able to support her full weight with her legs she could stand if only she had any balance! But of course she doesnt so if you let her go she would collapse in a heap.



Sunday, July 2

Heres the first video footage of Julia, when shes about 20 hours old.