Julia wants to know why you expect any privacy when she’s has her diapers changed on the Internet. But here at WeissCurry.com, we respect your privacy, just not the privacy of adorable baby bottoms.

When you enter our baby pool contest or register to use our site, we promise not to share your information with anyone or send you lots of e-mail. We may very occasionally e-mail you to inform you about new content on the site, but if you want regular e-mail updates it's opt-in on the member registration page.

We don't publish your personal information on the site so that spammers can't find it. If we do publish a member directory, it is opt-in and will only be available to registered members.

We further vow that this privacy policy will remain intact even if we are bought out by a less ethical but more monied corporation.

(If you are a less ethical but more monied corporation interested in buying WeissCurry.com, please contact us!)